

Like To Customize Your Sortings?

While working with large data there are some functions that can be effectively used to sort based on specific features within cells. LEN is such a function used to find out the number of characters within a cell.

Below given is the Syntax for LEN Function:


Here Text is the cell reference whose length has to find out. Please go through below examples to know the various possible results.

When a cell reference M24 has value OK


LEN function returns 2 (counted characters O and K)

When a cell reference C2 has value OK!


LEN function returns 3 (counted text including special characters)

When a cell reference P18 has value TYPE A


LEN function returns 6 (counted text including blank spaces)

When a cell reference Y11 has value 120, which is a result of arithmetic operations.


LEN function returns 3 (counting numbers 1, 2 and 0)

Try any sample from above, you will find it simple.