

Want To See Possible Results Of CONCATENATE Function?

CONCATENATE is a function used to join text in one cell to another. You can find ‘concatenate‘ in paste function dialog box.

Click the ‘Paste Function’ icon in standard tool bar to open function dialog box. Select concatenate function from Text category.

A formula wizard appears in your screen that assists you in building the formula properly. You can drag it in case it covers your working area. Using mouse select the cells from which you want to join text. You can select several cells to form a long chain.

Tip: Use Shift and F3 keys at the same time to open Paste function dialog box.

If you want to type directly the formula please go through the following examples.


This formula simply joins text in the two cells G17 and G18


This formula joins text in the two cells G17 and G18 with a gap in between.

=CONCATENATE(G18," April’ 05")

This appends text ‘April’ 05’ with the value in G18.

Tips: You can even join texts that are in different cells using a simple method. Go through the previous examples using this easy way.

=G17 & G18

It joins text in the two cells G17 and G18

=G17&" "&G18

It joins text in two cells G17 and G18 with space in between.

=G18&" April' 05"

It appends text April’ 05 with the value in G18

Try yourself and simply your day to day task. This function is very easy to use.


How To Use 'IF' Function In Spread Sheet

‘IF’ worksheet function is used to check the logical result of a condition and based on that result, directing Excel to be perform an action. Actions include doing some calculation or returning to a value.

The logical result of a condition is either true or false. If the condition is true, the function performs an action. In case if the condition is false, the function performs another action.

The syntax is

=IF(CONDITION, if true what to be executed, if false what to be executed)

Go through some of these examples


Here E6 is the cell, which has some value that may be pure number or result of any formula. If value of E6 is greater than 100 return E6 else return nothing (NULL)


If value of E6 is greater than 100 return E6 else return 0


If value of E6 is greater than 100 return multiplying E6 with 5, else return 0


If value of E6 is greater than 100 returns multiplying it with 5, else multiply with 6


If sum of E6 and F6 is greater than 100 return as 1 else 0

Important: Do not leave space within formula. Use commas ( , ) Parentheses correctly.

I hope the above examples helped you to get an idea about 'IF' function. Now, go ahead and try yourself to make some formulas using 'IF'.

Tips: You can even use more than one (up to 8) ‘IF’ function in a single formula.

